For as long as I can remember, I have been going to church. One of the earliest memories I have are of Sunday school. While I had plenty of exposure to Christianity and even though the basic fundamentals of it were taught to me, I never came to grips with the reality until the past 1-2 years. When I was younger, I always hid my religion and beliefs from anyone outside of church for the fear of being looked down upon or being unaccepted. There were periods of my life where I would drift form God and stop attending church, but somehow, in one way or another, I would always be brought back. It wasn’t until 3 years ago I truly felt His presence. I had a condition called scoliosis, and was finally getting an operation to correct my spine. The operation sounded terrifying; they would be splitting my back open and bolting titanium rods to my spine. The weeks leading up to the surgery were horrible, and I dreaded it everyday. When the day finally came, somehow I was not at all worried at all; my parents were more scared than I was. I felt almost no fear because I felt God by my side and knew that He’d protect me. The surgery went on to be successful and although recovery was hard I got through it all as He gave me complete Peace. This strengthened my faith in God, and brought me closer to Him. From then on I knew He was our Savior and that He loves us unconditionally. The changes made to my life that followed only further confirmed His existence. I love more than I hate and my whole attitude towards life is completely different.
Posted by coqecbc_admin
Categories: 浸禮見證, 第四十二屆浸禮