2021-02-21 Pastor Jonathan Hsieh | Blessed Are the Humble
Tel: 604-474-0300
2606 Kingsway Ave. Port Coquitlam, BC. V3C 1T6
2021-02-21 Pastor Jonathan Hsieh | Blessed Are the Humble
2021-02-14 劉慧娟牧師 | 劃時代的突破
2021-02-14 Pastor Jonathan Hsieh | Blessed Are Those Who Mou…
2021-02-07 謝大中牧師 | 虛心的人有福了
2021-01-31 黃炳添傳道 | 因著信的摩西
2021-01-24 Pastor Jonathan Hsieh |Is He Worthy?
2021-01-24 劉慧娟牧師 | 聖靈充滿的服事
2021-01-17 Pastor Jonathan Hsieh | Produce Fruit
2021-01-17 孫波濤牧師 | 活出主的道
2020-01-10 Pastor Jonathan Hsieh | Bear Fruit